“I feel fine; stop hovering,” Joe said, swatting away Finnegan as she tried to wipe his mouth.

“At least let me get a picture of your plate for Tony,” she said, pulling out her camera.

“I finished everything!’ Joe said defensively.

“Well, he’ll want proof,” Finnegan said.

“Fuck his proof!” Joe snarled, swiping the plate off onto the floor.

Finnegan muttered angrily to herself as she cleaned up the desk and picked the plate up off the floor.

“And bring me more cough drops. I want more cough drops. I like the way they crinkle when I try to get them open.”

“For the last time, those aren’t cough drops. They’re edibles to help you sleep and you need to spot eating them, like, like, cough drops!”

“Then give me a pain pill. I want a pain pill.”

“You’ve already had your pain pill this morning.”

“My foot hurts,” Joe said. “And I heard someone trying to get in my bedroom this morning. They were jiggling the door handle.”

“OK, Grandpa.”

“They were trying to pick the lock.”

“I’ll talk to the Secret Service.”

“Tell them to shoot to kill!”

“Is he ready?” Karine asked, breezing into the day room.

“He’s had his breakfast,” Finnegan said, “But I haven’t got him to put on his pants yet.”

“I’m wearing pants!” Joe said, standing, his gray penis and pendulous scrotum swinging into view.

“I’ll come back,” Karine said and fled the room.

“Never seen a penis before?” Joe called after her. “Probably a lesbyrterian.”

“Grandpa, you can’t talk like that,” Finnegan said. She held open a leg of his boxers and tried to get him to step a leg into them.

“Well, then what do you call them?” Joe asked grumpily. “Librarians?”

Finnegan struggled to get his other leg in the boxers.

Lesbian,” Finnegan said, “It’s always been Lesbian.”

“Whatever,” Joe said, pulling the boxers up to his ribcage. “She eats the Choco Taco, whatever they call it now.”

“That means a person that performs anilingus on someone, man or woman.”

“What? I hate all these fancy new terms.”

“Anilingus means “eating someone ass.’”

“Then call it that! Munch the Choco Taco! Swimmin’ at the mud hole! Fart diving! Terms that mean what they say!”

“You are becoming agitated, Grandpa. You need to calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down! You calm down!”