Daily Stoic Week 38

The Daily Stoic

The Practicing Stoic


How to Be a Stoic

If you have anger issues, this one is a great tool (h/t mindyourbusiness)

September 24

“Being unexpected adds to the weight of a disaster, and being a surprise has never failed to increase a person’s pain. For that reason, nothing should ever be unexpected by us. Our minds should be sent out in advance to all things and we shouldn’t just consider the normal course of things, but what could actually happen. For is there anything in life that Fortune won’t knock off its high horse if it pleases her?”

Anything that can happen to anyone can happen to me. I recently was reminded of this when I pulled something in my back. I go to gym  and and am fairly strong, but somehow moving a suitcase in the trunk of a car felt like I was stabbed in between my shoulder blades and I couldn’t breathe, move, or talk for about 5 minutes. I am just now able to run again and plan on going to back to the gym for the first time in 3 months next week.  Getting upset because it came out of nowhere would not help, and I was able to remain mostly unperturbed by the setback.


September 25

“Show me someone who isn’t a slave! One is a slave to lust, another to greed, another to power, and all are slaves to fear. I could name a former Consul who is a slave to a little old woman, a millionaire who is the slave of the cleaning woman. . . . No servitude is more abject than the self-imposed.”

I don’t think I am a slave to anything. I try to keep my wife happy and I do enjoy having a nice house and the extra money for doing things we enjoy. I try to remember that all of this is outside of my control and not take it for granted or lose myself in pursuit of all of this.


September 26

“Leisure without study is death—a tomb for the living person.”

It is nice to have time off to do nothing. In August my family went on vacation for 10 days and it was glorious. During this vacation, I still read The Daily Stoic  in the evenings and made entries in my journal. I think not doing that would make it more difficult to pick it back up after vacation was over.


September 27

“For even peace itself will supply more reason for worry. Not even safe circumstances will bring you confidence once your mind has been shocked—once it gets in the habit of blind panic, it can’t provide for its own safety. For it doesn’t really avoid danger, it just runs away. Yet we are exposed to greater danger with our backs turned.”

Being well off and in a stable relationship is no guarantee of tranquility. Having a stable mental outlook will keep me stable, regardless of my living conditions. If I manage to stress myself out for no reason, I can create the scenario I am dreading.


September 28

“How appropriate that the gods put under our control only the most powerful ability that governs all the rest—the ability to make the right use of external appearances—and that they didn’t put anything else under our control. Was this simply because they weren’t willing to give us more? I think if it had been possible they would have given us more, but it was impossible.

The ability to control myself is the most important ability I have. I still get angrier than I should, but I am usually able to stop myself and fix my attitude. In the past once I was angry, my day was pretty much ruined. If I had the ability to control more, how would I do in the days of anger? As long as I control myself, that is all the control I need.


September 29

“Nothing can satisfy greed, but even a small measure satisfies nature. So it is that the poverty of an exile brings no misfortune, for no place of exile is so barren as not to produce ample support for a person.”

I have more than I need, but still see things that I wish I could afford. There will probably never be an amount that will eliminate this. I try to remember how I used to live when I was younger and tell myself if I had to, I could easily live like that again.


September 30

“If you lay violent hands on me, you’ll have my body, but my mind will remain with Stilpo.”

My body is not under my control. I could have a debilitating injury or illness tomorrow. I could be wrongly convicted of a crime and put in prison. As long as my mind remains mine, none of that will actually hurt me. If I whine and let these external forces control my mentality, then I have truly lost everything.


Music this week is from Unleash the Archers. Their lead singer is one of the most powerful singers in metal.


Dawn of Ages with Steve Smith appearance

General of the Dark Army