WebDom and me.

Just kidding, I’m miserable. The Nehru jacket bombed. I’m beginning to think that the women here just have no appreciation for a sharp dressed man. Well, except one, who complimented me on my daring and clear lack of any fucks to give. I think that was a compliment, anyway, hard to tell because she disappeared so quickly. I give up, gonna be an incel. You’ll read about me one day.

You’ll also read about birthdays, but not much today. Apparently September 3 was astrologically poor for anything I give a shit about. But still, it’s the birthday of the inventor of the pussy magnet; a woman who played second fiddle to Margaret Dumont; the last worthwhile Democrat; a guy who had the blues every day; a pretty decent cartoonist who was an inspiration and unbelievably kind to my father; the only person named Ralph I would have ever banged; a militant free-market economist; a great actress who had very bad luck; a not so great actress who made her fortune from her tits; and a guy we’d all like to hang out with.

That disposed of, Links ensue.


See, it was a success, you fascists just don’t realize it.


What’s his Glibs handle?


Talmudic loopholes.


Maybe it’s the Commie Pope.


You mean all the climate news is bullshit? Where’s my fainting couch?


This time, the rats are pushed off the sinking ship.


All signs point to nuclear.


Team Red is the guy who can’t get laid in a whorehouse clutching a handful of $100 bills.


Old Guy Music is usually slightly out of mainstream, but… I was walking through the cafe’s kitchen, and l0B0t had on my favorite Led Zeppelin song. Very mainstream. But hey, let’s hear a cover from a girl band, and it’s a pretty decent cover, if not at the level of “they OWN this song!”