It’s always fun doing a difficult, high pressure, and late project. It’s even more fun when people try to be helpful. Ever try to clean with a toddler “helping”? At least you can give a toddler a toy vacuum cleaner to keep him busy; this is more difficult with scientists and engineers. I’m running between buildings where while I’m in Building A, an engineer is “helping” in Building B. I run back to Building B, where abashed engineer tells me he decided to make the machinery work more automatically by reprogramming it. “And now it’s not running at all.” Two hours undoing the damage from the “help,” and a frantic call from Building A, where a scientist who doesn’t understand the process has (unasked) stuck his hands in it anyway and ruined a batch of parts that took a full day to get to that point. Restart that, then a frantic call from Building B… yes, it’s Groundhog Day.

What could make me feel better? Birthdays, that’s what, and todays include a wonderfully named general; a rather petty individual; the only guy with this name worth shit; a guy who dared coach at Oberlin, and has presumably been canceled; a guy who dotted all his Is; a guy who showed that even men could have periods; a guy whose ashes were placed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall’s porch; a guy who refined the art of grabbing his knee and rolling around; the absolute king of shitty pop culture; a brilliant, pioneering, and creative troll who has sadly faded away; a disgusting piece of shit who has elevated hysteria to an entertainment form; a musician whose shtick is limited yet insanely successful; a pretty decent bassist who, if I didn’t mention him, would cause me to be screamed at by Tulip; and the result of crossing a piece of shit with a different piece of shit.

Well, that didn’t help. Let’s try Links.


Elder abuse.


You mean nobody gives a shit about this? Huh, whoda thunk it?


I don’t 100% agree with this, but there’s some interesting insight here about science and how science is done.


I think this situation requires an absolutely futile and stupid gesture.


Why I’m hesitant to ride the subway: white supremacists.


Where’s my shocked face? I know I left it around here somewhere…


I still feel pissed off and shitty. Old Guy Music might relieve the pain a bit. This is a classic tune covered by like everyone. And I think is the best one of all.