My youngest needed money for something at school this week and it required I pull a few quarters out of the change jar.  I first noticed Washington got fat.

This is my review of Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter:

Apparently, Washington was allergic to bee stings

The US Mint changed the money again.  At least this time they aren’t technically making more of it, rather they are replacing old ones taken out of circulation.  All the while pretending nobody used cash prior to 2020 and change has to circulate in order for it to be made available which is why there isn’t any change anywhere.  Right.  Totally believable, and pay no attention to that central bank digital coin they are totally not talking about.

At any rate, by this time others in my household noticed the change as well and asked who is this Asian lady on the back?  Don’t worry, I did the research for you:  She’s an actress.  Starring in over 50 movies she is probably best known as Ling Ying from Bombs Over Burma.  During her time, Asian characters with a key role in the story were typically played by white actors with certain “Asian features” painted on…yes I am referring to eyes.  Need proof?  Here is the trailer for the 1937 film, The Good Earth, with Wang Lung and his wife played by white actors.

She was picked as part of a “trailblazing women” collection because she was an Asian woman that had the temerity to play Asian characters in movies.  Does that really put her on par historically with Sally Ride?

I don’t know, but my son had exact change to buy a smoothie at school for $3.75.


Thankfully, I had one on tap for a short historical piece.  The Edmund Fitzgerald is a ship that sank in Lake Superior in the wake of a winter storm in 1975 and inspired this song.   There were no survivors.  Great Lakes suggests pairing this with chocolate, oysters, and heartfelt balladry.  Not surprisingly given the brewery, this is well done.  Robust bittersweet chocolate malts, so it isn’t terribly sweet, and a light floral finish.  Like all porters, this is not necessary intended to be a meal replacement like a stout. Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter: 3.9/5