Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! Grab that coffee, wave to that co-worker, and enjoy another beautiful day and the links!


Jacinda Ardern resigns as New Zealand’s prime minister ahead of election


Holiday sales fall short of expectations, set stage for tougher 2023 for retailers


Microsoft, Amazon and other tech companies have laid off more than 60,000 employees in the last year


CNN Finally Reports on Biden Family Corruption, and Everyone Should Be Asking Why


With 25,000 Mysterious Votes And Missing Documents, Maricopa’s 2022 Election Process Marked By Chaos And Uncertainty


Biden’s army of IRS auditors falls victim to hiring woes, ambiguous marching orders


California: 10.8 Million Mail-In Ballots ‘Unaccounted For’ in 2022 Elections


I hope this becomes a trend


Tesla that Caused in 8-Car San Francisco Pileup Had Elon Musk’s ‘Full Self-Driving’ Activated


It’s bad luck to be the world’s oldest person, they’re always dying 


That’s all I got for today.  I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.