The weeks between the CCGs and the Super Bowl always suck for sports.  There’s nothing really to talk about. So I’ll just move on.

Robert Kelly

This is gonna lead to some pissed off people. Or were they pissed on? I can’t remember.

Nothing says “emergency” like a planned end date more than three months from now. One would almost be led to believe its all performative bullshit for political purposes.

And speaking of performative bullshit for political purposes… I’m sorry, but these kinds of NDAs aren’t all that uncommon and they aren’t anybody’s business aside from the participants. Is the act distasteful? Sure, I guess it is. But it’s nobody’s business.


They aren’t gonna stop until they’ve stolen everything. And no, I don’t mean black people. I mean California politicians.

Oh look…a hypocrite. Why am I not surprised the most vocal advocates for “change” are nothing but NIMBYs after all?

I wish this had been in Buffalo. That would have made it perfect.

Strange that his party affiliation is never mentioned. I guess well never know.  Also, why is this guy getting seven years instead of being chucked into a woodchipper?

Monkey business

These thieves aren’t monkeying around. No wait, they are. Jesus, Dallas Zoo. Get your shit together.

What an amazing song. An absolute masterpiece. And here’s another one. What a genius.  Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this bitter cold Tuesday, dear friends.