
A Michigan football coach has been arrested for something with a computer at work, but nobody is talking about what it is. Although his neighbor said there were a lot of cops at his house arresting him. I’m sure people are gonna freak the fuck out over this. If you’re not an advocate, you’re an enemy, right? A famous wrestler has died in a car crash. Liverpool stopped the bleeding. At least in the FA Cup. And Nadal has been bounced out early at the Aussie Open. Now on to the links.

The coping here is amazing. I can’t wait to see the seething after the next session.

Man, the riots would be off the chain. I doubt it will happen, but can you imagine what would happen if he was successful?

We’ll never know.

Let the speculation begin. I’m sure whatever happened, we’ll never know the truth.

This settlement is smaller than I’d have guessed. I guess ADA compliance ain’t what it used to be.

“Separate but equal?” That seems to be the standard when it comes to classified docs.

The Hedgehog will not stand trial. Post your own quips in the comments. I’ve got too many running through my head to pick just one.

“Thanks a lot, Indiana.” Or was it another state where guns are easy to buy? It can’t possibly be that these cartels got their guns from Fast & Furious though, right?

Grifters grifting

Well of course they do. I still see nothing wrong with what he did and I hope he walks. He needs to walk free as a lesson to any other would-be armed robbers.

Bonus link of hilarious coping. The replies to their tweet are even better.  God, I love the internet sometimes.

Going way back in their catalog for this one. What a lovely song. And now one from much later. What a badass song. Enjoy the diversity of their catalog.

And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.