TRUMP VISITS EAST PALESTINE, TEAM BIDEN NOWHERE TO BE FOUND:  This is purely about appearance, but appearance matters above all else in politics.

EUROPEAN PUBLISHERS REFUSE TO CENSOR ROALD DAHL’S WORK: Good for them. If only US publishers would grow a pair.

BIDEN ADMINISTRATION DEMANDS ‘EQUITY PLANS: “The details as to how this should be done run more than 200 pages. Those required to comply will include more than 1,200 cities and counties receiving HUD funding. All will be required to develop ‘equity plans.'”

‘MAMA BEARS’ PREVAIL IN LAWSUIT AGAINST GEORGIA SCHOOL DISTRICT: The good news is that the mothers won their suit, and the school board got smacked down hard and had to pay the parents’ legal bills. The bad news is that not one of those shitbag school employees will suffer any negative consequences for their actions and that the taxpayers get it coming and going. Here’s some info on the Institute for Free Speech mentioned in the article.

NH GOV SUNUNU PROPOSES TO ELIMINATE SOME STATE BOARDS, LICENSES: “[E]liminate boards that no longer serve a necessary function, to eliminate boards that are not necessary to protect the public, and to eliminate unnecessary barriers to workforce entry…” Let’s hope he manages to get this past the legislature.

HEART DISEASE REPORTEDLY UP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE: The article couches this in terms of sedentary lifestyles and obesity, but we all know what caused them to do that.