Long weekend.  The wife is out of town this week.  I am a bit overextended so I will present this as an icebreaker:

Think of a few of your favorite bands, and make us guess what it is by changing one word of the name to “moist”.  Incidentally, today’s music link is from Moist.

Now for some links!

Experts say medical tourism in Latin America can be risky, experts say.

AMLO says Mexico is safer than the US. It sounds like a bold statement, given the cantina shootings.  On the other hand, if you are Venezuelan and traveling north to Texas, you’ll probably be fine.

This is why you never see headlines from Nicaragua.

Remember, the purpose of National Review is to tear down anyone that poses a threat to the progressive establishment.  Also, when did those shit bags move to a paywall?  People actually pay to read Charles Cooke?

FARC is still a thing.  Bang up job there Ronnie.

Lula cracks down on the army.  Hopefully, they don’t have a war in the next couple years.

This sounds like the plot to an 80’s action movie.

That be all.  Have a better than average Tuesday.