Gertie? Ignore her. Play with me.

Welcome Gemini!  And you get a good week with The Earth, Mercury and Jupiter moving together in just the right way to keep the luck flowing.  This won’t last forever and the backlash is going to suck, but no use in borrowing trouble.  For now, things are looking up for your home life.  There may be a bit of a hitch on Thursday as the moon scoots through, but it’s short term with a bit of additional luck showing up with the Sun on Saturday.  This month brings an annual change as we move out of the signs collectively known as “food” (Pisces, Aries, Taurus) and into the series “things that are real.”  Yes, technically some of these signs are also edible, but there needs to be a solstice-ish break in the cycle, so that’s what they came up with.  Anyway, back to those signs, while domestic luck is indicated, domestic “luck” isn’t.  Feminine favor will require coaxing.


Gemini: 6 of Swords reversed – Declaration, confession, publicity.

Cancer: 5 of Swords – Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor, loss… inflicted by you.

Leo: The World reversed – Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.

Virgo: 2 of Wands – Riches, fortune, magnificence, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. 

Libra: The Tower reversed – Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin, unforeseen catastrophe, oppression, imprisonment, tyranny.

Scorpio: 7 of Cups –  images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, some attainment, but nothing permanent or substantial.

Sagittarius: The Moon reversed – stability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.

Capricorn: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.

Aquarius: King of Cups – Man of business, law, or divinity; responsible, equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art; creative intelligence.

Pisces: 8 of Wands – Activity in undertakings, swiftness, great haste, great hope.

Aries: Justice – Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law. 

Taurus: The Blank Card – ___________________________

Yes! PLaytime!