Spoiler:  The day in question is the 17th.  Now you can go watch the dog videos.

For those of you still here, moments of transition are the most important points in time when talking about the more esoteric SCIENCE!s.  So even though MERCURY RETROGRADE just sucks overall, the day that it goes retrograde is the worst of the lot.  Conversely, the day it goes back to doing what it’s supposed to do is a lucky day.  And in this case, it happens to be the 17th.  But wait!   There’s more!  On that day, the Moon also comes into alignment with said direct-motioning Mercury, giving a bit of extra oomph to the luck pulse that’s emitted (for yetisyn, this is the equivalent vibratory emanation on the slack plane).

For Taurus, things get even better.  Not only do you get to mainline Mercury (As a chemist with an industrial hygiene background I do not recommend injecting mercury) but on that day Jupiter enters your house so you get even more luck.  The moon is close behind on the next day.

If you’re having an unauthorized or otherwise unpopular romantic relationship, Cancer says discretion is especially important this week.

Taurus: The Tower reversed – Because the stars are so good for you this week, the traditional reading of this card can’t possibly be correct. So let’s see, what does this look like? Hmmm. I’m going with… rocket? And the two people flying up are superheroes escorting it? Sounds like an exciting time, whatever it is.

Gemini: Knight of Wands –  Departure, absence, flight, emigration.

Cancer: Ace of Swords reversed – This is about the downside of using force: yanking the starter cord out of the mower, stripping screws, inciting a rebellion against you, that sort of thing. This is in stark contrast with Strength.

Leo: Strength – Al of the good things about being Strong with none of the downsides. That’s for Cancer to deal wiht.

Virgo: Queen of Coins – Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty. 

Libra: The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects

Scorpio: The World reversed – This is about a world being small and unchanging.

Sagittarius: The blank card –

Capricorn: The Hermit – Prudence, circumspection, treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. There is a reason this coot is living off by himself.

Aquarius: 5 of Swords – Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor, loss.

Pisces: The Moon – Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. 

Aries: The High Priestess reversed – Passion, conceit, surface knowledge.