Should be fun

The Women’s final is set, and it should be fun. The men’s semis are starting up here in a bit and they’re two fantastic matchups.  Baseball gets back to business today. Northwestern just fired their baseball coach too. Pretty soon they won’t have any coaches left in any sports. And that’s pretty much it for sports.

Complain all you want CNN, but they’re right. It’s called racial discrimination. And it should have been illegal already, you dipshits.

Secret Service

You gotta be shitting me. I guess we’ll just all have to be grateful it wasn’t anthrax. You know, since the people in charge of securing most secure building in the country can’t figure out who brought something into the place where the president works.

Tough shit. If pumping drugs that alter their physiology into your minor child was what “kept her alive” when nothing was physically wrong with her, then you failed as a parent and she needs to be taken away.  I seriously can’t believe this is the hill these media types want to die on.

This bumbling fuck is gonna get Americans killed. But at least there’s no mean tweets.

Well of course he was. It’s New York. That’s just the way things are these days.

Idiot contemplating idiocy

I can’t wait for the quotes. “Chicago is the windy city. There is wind in Chicago. And people, which make it a city. A vibrant city. Full of people. And wind.”

Wow, that makes it all worthwhile. Those extra 65,000 agents are really getting results. I’m sure an average of $584.62 per agent is way more than they’re making a year, right?

It’s a good start. Now sharpen those pencils and find some more cuts.

Here’s more 80s rock for you. What a time to be alive. And here’s the greatest video of the generation. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this hot-ass Friday and weekend, dear friends.