This perky little tune is how I feel today.


PROJECT BLUE BOOK, THE SEQUEL: Senator Chuck Schumer (D, NY) has proposed legislation to create an independent nine-member agency to collect, review and declassify records of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), which is the governments new term for what used to be called UFOs. The headline and article make it sound like they think the government is about to reveal something big, but never discount the Democrats’ desire to distract the public from the shitshow of the Biden administration, and the ongoing effort for more bigger government.

HOW YOU ARE PROGRAMMED TO BE POOR: “In today’s society, many people unknowingly carry certain beliefs and habits that hinder their financial progress. From the educational system to cultural norms, a series of influences subtly steer people towards fiscal behaviors and decisions that often result in financial struggles rather than prosperity.”

WHAT DO THE FRENCH RIOTS MEAN? Mathieu Bock-Côté explains it all to you (and, deliciously, to a certain NY newspaper) over at at The American Conservative.

ACTIVIST ACTRESS ANGSTILY ASKS TO AXE GUNS FROM ACTION FILM: “…Because [in the original script], she finds guns, and there’s a gunfight and all that sort of stuff. So we changed it.” Why do I hear vocal fry in my head when I read that?

VENEZUELA JOINS COMMIE MOONBASE INITIATIVE: Venezuela has signed a memorandum of cooperation with China to participate in the International Lunar Research Station. Money quote: “Venezuela will make its satellite control ground station infrastructure available for lunar missions.” So, Venezuela will maybe get to send an astronaut to the base in exchange for the CCP getting a satellite dish farm in Venezuela.