It’s underway!

The Open is underway and a South African amateur is atop the leaderboard for the moment. The Astros won a game. And women are playing soccer in New Zealand (and not very many people are showing up). And that’s it for sports.

The Los Angeles government is really tackling the serious issues. Maybe next time Universal can just have a bunch of bums set up tents on the sidewalk instead. Then the city can applaud them for their bravery.

The New York government is really tackling the serious issues. Maybe next time these groups can just have a bunch of bums stab people on the sidewalk for prizes instead. Then the state can excuse them due to systemic problems.

Yeah, I doubt they’ll take the case. The state sets venues for state trials and the SC will undoubtedly let that remain the case here.

I love this crazy woman.

I’ll note that the IRS whistleblower hearings were only mentioned on the front page of the last of those three sites, and only then toward the bottom beneath such compelling pieces as why people bite their nails and why some dumbass went to Death Valley in the summer without water. But I’m sure it was just an oversight.

Somebody on Team Biden might want to ask Dan Goldman to STFU. He’s singlehandedly pointing out the disparity in treatment of Hunter/Joe and making his own side look like they don’t believe equal treatment should be a thing.

Doesn’t she have insurance? Also, who her husband left his money to was his business, not hers.


This sounds like complete bullshit. Why is this not the responsibility of the parents who gave her the food in a moving car? Oh, because McDonalds has money and the jury is comprised of idiots. Also, how are you gonna print a warning on a chicken McNugget?

“That’s some fine police research work there, Lou.” I bet he ends up with a sweet gig from the government.

I can’t wait for Chevron to be eviscerated. An executive agency should not have this kind of power to fine people arbitrarily.

This song might be an instruction manual soon. At least the war would have a nice beat, I guess. Either way, it’s a great song. And this one might be even better. Just a couple of masterpieces. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this blisteringly hot Thursday, dear friends.