I got nothing for sports today. Just nothing.  So, moving on to…the links.

Virtue noted!

Oh the humanity! Whatever will people do now that the benefits are ending over a “pandemic” that ended well over a year ago? I guess the people in charge will have to come up with a new vote-buying scheme.

Good enough for government work. This is the least surprising thing I will read today.

“You can’t put a barrier on the border. That’s our job. Now take down that barrier that we have no interest whatsoever in having and let people enter at their leisure.” How is this not a violation of their oaths of office?

Crack painting?

Seems legit. There’s no possible chance in the world this is a payola scheme.

Why does this idiot keep doubling down? I guess he doesn’t want to follow actual science as much as “the science.”

What the hell does diversity have to do with it? Wait, I forgot: they’re not serious people running that city.


What does it all mean? Maybe nothing.  Maybe everything.  But probably nothing more than a rich guy fixing on something a little weird.

Yawn. Big, giant, fucking yawn. These people are never right.

Bonus link: no fucking shit. Now, what is society going to do about these acts of barbarism?

Here’s an underrated song. And it’s from one of the 20 greatest albums of all time. And I’ll stick with that album for the second track. Which is an absolute masterpiece.  Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this toasty Tuesday, dear friends.