Hot dog eating is not a sport. Wimbledon is, and there’s a five setter going right now worth watching. Let’s see if Fritz can escape. And since I’m running behind, that’s it for sports.

“Give me more money.”

I rarely read these propaganda pieces, but sometimes they’re hilarious. Also, there better be no chance whatsoever of a NATO invite.

The “White” House sounds like the place to be. Whether you’re wanting to do a little coke or flop your fake trans-titties out in front of kids.

I feel bad for our Pennsyltucky friends. Maybe it’s time to head to Cleveland.

Somebody at the hand cream company needs to tell these dumbasses to STFU. Unless it’s a ruse to tank the stock and buy their old company back.

Piece of shit.

What a crazy asshole. I guess nobody saw it coming…if literally nobody that knew this guy was paying attention or simply didn’t care.

This is quite the headline. “Working with” is not what’s happening here. “Pressure to censor people” makes more sense.

Damn, this sucks. I actually feel bad for them, since the police there have no idea how to solve crimes anymore.

I wonder if this will impact the climate. I also wonder why no climate scientists are talking about it. I guess it’s because the sun doesn’t write grant checks.

Here’s a great tune. What a wonderful arrangement. And here’s another one. I miss those guys playing together. Oh well, they’re never getting back together. So I’ll just enjoy what they did when they did agree ago. Hopefully you will too.

And hopefully you’ll enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.