You probably heard the news over the weekend, so we’re going to get right into it:  Brandon Hererra, aka “The AK Guy” on YouTube is running for congress.

Wait, although that’s awesome news, that’s not quite what I wanted to get into.


Javier Milei, an Argentine politician I’ve spoken on before is currently running for presidente got a lot of attention in the last few weeks in libertarian/ancap circles due to his strong polling in the primary race.

Turns out he got the most votes in the primary.  The NY Times already made a cursory attempt to turn him into a pariah.

A far-right libertarian candidate won Argentina’s open presidential primary election on Sunday, a surprising showing for a politician who wants to adopt the U.S. dollar as Argentina’s official currency and embraces comparisons to Donald Trump.


El Soyjacko wants me to think he’s a facho

The fun part is his platform is to abolish the Central Bank of Argentina and simply declare the US Dollar as the national currency.  Which makes this move unsurprising. Many wealthy Argentines already have large USD holdings anyways, and this is a common move by governments in Latin America.  In spite of the issues we might have with the USD, its still the best out of a lot of truly lousy options.

It also makes it less likely he gets shunned by the entire world like El Presidente Dudebro.  Then again, he happens to have a favorable view of Bitcoin.

That’s it.  There’s nothing else to report.  A good guy might win.  White pill, anyone?

News good enough for Styx.