You may have heard a hurricane made landfall in California.  I just want to mark myself safe due to the reports of rain here in Arizona.  All is more or less back to normal other than unseasonably cool forecast of 101 degrees and 67% humidity today.



For years I kept hearing how America didn’t export anything anymore.  We just didn’t know what the world really wanted:  Taylor Swift.

A court hearing is scheduled today to decide if Texas gets to keep its shark net floating border in the Rio Grande. My money is on the judge winning.

If I really wanted to kneecap a potential Millei presidency with the shittiest possible economy, I might implement price controls…on food.

Somewhere in this story is a joke with a M*A*S*H* reference to a chicken, but I am not there today.

An “anti-corruption” candidate wins the Guatemalan presidency.

This is probably the most Ecuador headline they could come up with, and the AP didn’t even give me a picture of the banana tycoon.  At first glance their election is probably a bigger deal that we might think given Ecuador is a heavily Dollarized economy located geographically in between the two biggest cocaine exporters in the world.  Plenty of money laundering in the banana business.  They also didn’t think a right wing candidates would be able to gain this much traction in Ecuador either.

Lets do something a little different today.