Tonio helped me out of a tight spot Monday. I apparently have eye herpes in my left eye and can expect random recurrences of excruciating ( would tell me I’m not being crucified) feeling like my eye is being stabbed with a knitting needle for the rest of my life. Yaay. I added to the list of things I never want to hear again: “we may have to have [the surgeon] take a laser to that eye.” And that was an unexpected addition to having the dermatologist take a hot poker to some questionable skin cells on my back. He laughed at me and said my Irish skin in Florida was going to make me a customer for life.

Anyhow, now that modern chemistry has brought it down to a dull blurriness, I am picking up Tonio’s links so he can entertain his beau on a nature excursion.  And happy to do it. My vision quest was obviously successful since (a) I can mostly see out of my left eye and (b) the hurricane went somewhere else. I hope everyone else’s week has been improving as it goes along.

Howdy Doody is my copilot? Seems like you have to put up with a lot of bullshit to pull that off.

It can’t be the weird eyebrow tattoo that caused police to search her car.

News from the goatee-Spock universe.

I’m not sure if using Greek font in Outlook actually counts as obscuring information.

More sensible reading of the 2A.


This one is in heavy rotation around the house right now.