Look, I haven’t been around as much as I like, but I have an excuse. Well, multiple excuses. Work, sure, NPR Lady, sure, all lame. I mean really, what’s more important than this? Anyway, I’m making up for my absence this coming weekend when NPR Lady and I are going camping in the Catskills. I have a pile of Yiddish jokes ready. We are taking her “project,” a woman who is, ummm, neurodiverse (not Down’s, but mentally challenged nonetheless) and is cared for by several different people out of kindness. Including NPR Lady, who actually takes her Progginess seriously and takes action rather than morally preen on Twatter. The woman in question is quite ebullient and smothering, so I’m nominated as the buffer.

Buffer is alliterative with birthday (how’s that for a segue?) and today’s buffers, ahhh, birthdays include the king of frankenfood; a guy who tried to be a worse president that Wilson and almost succeeded; a guy who will be forever remembered for an oil can; a guy who should have been a lawyer; a guy who probably never played a Les Paul; a guy who should have been in Rocky; a guy who actually wanted to see the sausage being made; the reason that the Indians will never win a World Series; and a guy who always pisses people off when I use him in Old Guy Music.

Shall we Link?


As soon as I saw this was from a lawyer, I immediately thought, “OK, is he representing a union? What’s his grift?” 


Well, of course it is.


When I was a kid, or at least a much younger adult, I would from time to time see bumper stickers with a pot leaf and the slogan “Legalize It.” I always translated that mentally to, “Please pull me over and search the car.”


How can anyone take this shit seriously? Bumfight!


I don’t usually do links to videos, but here I’ll make an exception. Sooooo worth watching.


Man, when the smear goes nowhere, double down.


Jesus, is it that slow of a news day? 


Ukraine curries favor with the Biden administration by employing another dressed up dude.


Old Guy Music is the best song from the best version of this (at the time) awesome band. My less-than-awesome band covered it and we must have played it a thousand times. I still bang it out now and then with pure muscle memory.