Link-reading music (NSFW, yo).


JAPAN NAILS 2-for-1 LAUNCH INCLUDING UNIQUE LUNAR LANDER AND ROVERS: The most exciting thing about the SLIM mission is the two mini probes that will be ejected from the main lander before touchdown and free fall to the surface. Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 weighs 250g and transforms from a sphere to a cylinder. LEV-2 will take photos and attempt to roll around, then relay the photos to Earth via SLIM. The SLIM lander also plans to demonstrate “hop” capability – taking off from the lunar surface using its thrusters and moving horizontally before touching down again. That would be two firsts for Japan and a successful landing would make Japan the fifth member of the Lunar soft-lander club. This mission also launched an x-ray observatory which will stay in Earth orbit.

THE MOVIE THEY LOVE TO HATE: Anti-Trafficking film Sound of Freedom is number one at the box office in 18 countries, does well in US, yet is strangely ignored, if not reviled, by the US press.

ANTI-BREXIT REMAINERS’ CLAIMS REFUTED BY GDP NUMBERS: The economic case against Brexit has now totally collapsed. Hopefully, this will pave the way for other countries to consider leaving the EU, and give hope to US citizens exploring a national divorce.

SPEAKING OF SELF-ROLLING VEHICLES: Florida man arrested by Coast Guard for trying to cross Atlantic in human-sized hamster wheel.

BIDEN-BURISMA CONNECTIONS DEEPEN: “[Then-VP]Joe Biden never built an ‘absolute wall’ between his family’s business dealings and his official government work – his office doors were wide open to Hunter Biden’s associates.

LAWYER FOR CANADIAN FREEDOM TRUCKERS SPEAKS OUT: “It is the government and the police authorities that should be answering questions about why they chose to stand against citizens rather than with citizens.” –Edmonton attorney Eva Chipiuk

WHAT, YOU WANT MORE SELF-ROLLING VEHICLE? We got your self-rolling vehicle right here! Presenting the Kafon, a landmine-clearing, wind-powered, self-rolling vehicle. And while we’re on the topic, is there an established name for the class of vehicle which would include the LEV-2, Florida Man’s “hamster wheel,” and the kafon?