Finally.  The contractor from Hell sent me their financial statement.

It took me several weeks of non-stop harassment to the point where I stated I couldn’t guarantee the audit committee would allow them to pass without a CAP even though they scored high enough to pass.  They sent it, and I don’t need to deal with these clowns until next August.

Enough about these pendejos. ¡Enlaces!

AMLO says the Cuban embargo is “unjust” and will continue selling oil to Cuba.  A recent development from their communist lea—wait. They’ve had normal trade relations with Cuba for decades.  This is a meaningless gesture.

The cartels are so serious about no longer producing FintaLOL, it made the WSJ.

I will never understand how one accidentally drives to Mexico.  Was the half mile long line, the big ass fence, or your car being searched by the Mexican Army not enough of a clue?

Ecuador elects their own El Presidente Dudebro.  I’m taking suggestions for a nickname.

Today’s sign Milei is unacceptable to the global order:  a prosecutor files charges that he and he alone is responsible for the Argentine Peso taking a shit.  He did however, get a most excellent endorsement from everyone’s favorite Brazilian that isn’t a swimsuit model.

Latin American cryptocurrency adoption is proof crypto adoption works because money isn’t real anyways.

Maduro and CIA-backed Juan Gaido come to an agreement about how the the next Venezuelan election will function.  I predict another victory for Maduro.


Here’s a tune.  Muwahahaha.