It’s been an interesting week here. After years of essentially no street crime, we’ve had four major incidents in our little town, one of which has left a kid in a coma and essentially brain-dead. The photo of the perps looks like one of those DEI posters with a curated assortment of ethnicities. So we got racial harmony goin’ for us. Which is nice. Tomb Raider came down with the ‘vid right after we got back from NYC and is scared shitless she might have given it to a cancer patient we visited (valid concern) or to me (not so valid: I have a cast-iron immune system developed as a child who ate bugs and dirt). We had some snow flurries and frost, signaling the imminence of winter. One of WebDom’s dogs (she has three, all siblings of my magnificent Kaiser) went into her first heat, causing Kaiser to attempt to create a race of giant retarded puppies. I gave my first exam in 40 years and the students coming out of it looked shell-shocked. And appropriately so: class high score was 65, with a median of 45. Oh yes, the fun never ends.

Birthdays today include a guy who was toasty and nuts; a guy with a strong mustache who passed it on; a woman obsessed with her periods; an actor who could light up a room; a guy whom we can thank for the mullahs; a guy whose role in Brazil may have outshone DeNiro; one of SugarFree’s masturbatory fantasies; a man who Wasn’t there; a man immune to iocaine; and the second-most-famous chick from Jamestown, NY.

Let’s Link, then.


The dangers of bowling. Expect yet another round of price increases for ammo. (Heh, heh, he said “round”)


Wherein I find out that the entire Biden administration is Obama retreads. Who, of course, are annoyed that the Jews won’t just shut up and die.


And this must be fake news because Karine assured us that there are no credible threats against Jews. Hey, assholes, try this in Texas or Arizona where (((we))) haven’t been disarmed.


Love tap on the wrist from the people who think obstructing congressional process is treason.


This will surprise exactly zero of you.


No sammiches today?


To be fair, Richmond is a shithole, the place where you go when Oakland is too classy.


All I can say is that the Old Man loves this band. WebDom loves this band. Tomb Raider loves this band. If you don’t, well, it’s a you problem, not a band problem.