The warehouse where we last saw Gravity Man is a pile of rubble.

When last we left our intrepid hero, Gravity Man, he was battling Anti-Gravity Man and the Red Spy gang. Out of pep, Gravity Man had been crushed by a warehouse. Let’s see how our sensational superhero survives this strife!

Margo runs into frame to the pile of rubble we had last seen Gravity Man Crushed by.

No! Gravity Man! It can’t be! It just can’t be! Why God!? Why Him!?

While Margo sobs into her hands Gravity Man clods up behind her. Orbit Boy hits her in the head and reflexively for the rest of the scene she ducks when his orbit nears. Orbit Boy looks worse than ever.

You’ll smear your make-up with all this crying.

Margo turns to see him.

Gravity Man! But, how? I saw the building collapse on you!

Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.

Gravity Man Pats Margo on the head, her hair sticking to his hand as he raises it up.

Be a good little gal and run along home for the night to get your beauty sleep.

A smile comes to Margo’s Face.

I will Gravity Man. I really will!

Margo runs off in delighted rapture, a large patch of her hair ripped out and still clings to Gravity Man’s hand. Gravity Man plants his hands on his hips and looks very happy with himself.



Peerless and Margo stand in front of the desk of Metro City Metropolitan Editor Larry Dwight. Peerless looks weak and fatigued. Orbit Boy is emaciated and pale, large bruises jut out of his face.

We now join Peerless Paladin, who we know is secretly Gravity Man, and Margo Mettlesome, petite girl reporter, in the office of Larry Dwight, the Editor-in-Chief of the Metro City Metropolitan Newspaper, as he gives them their biggest news assignment yet!

Gravity Man! Gravity Man! Gravity Man! Don’t we write about anything important anymore? Instead of writing about good Progressive politics, you two are always writing about Gravity Man! Well I’m putting a stop to that! Today you’re covering the biggest story of the year! And it’s not about Gravity Man! It’s about a real hero, someone the people should look up to and idolize!

Well, who is it Chief?

I was just about to get to that before you interrupted me! Margo, why is Peerless always interrupting me? Don’t answer that! I don’t care!

Well, who is it Chief?

Peerless, you need to be more like pretty little Margo here, she asks the right questions. Or like your Cousin Buddy there, he never talks back to me. If you must know it just so happens to be our esteemed Progressive Governor.

You mean Governor Graft?

What other Governor do we have you nincompoop! Yes, Governor Graft. He is giving a speech today to announce his new government works program to fix the economy. And you two are covering it. He’s promised to clean up the mess created by his last government works program! After all, he’s only had 16 years to clean up the mess left by the last governor who slashed regulations and made too many of the wrong people wealthy.

But why is this government works program a bigger story than the one we covered last month?

Why?! Because this one will work!

Really Peerless, you are slow on the uptake sometimes.

But why will this one work when the others failed?

Why?! You’re asking why it will work?! Of all the gall-blasted nonsense! Why?! Because it will! But, the real story is how it was designed. You see, this Public Works program was designed by a Mechanical Mind.

MUSIC STING. Peerless and Margo gasp.

A Mechanical mind?

Yes, one of those new fangled computized counting machines. And you’ll never guessed who invented it.

Who is it Chief?

The newly reformed and very Progressive Dr. Leo Lobo.

Dr. Lobo? Chief, you can’t be serious! Dr. Lobo is an arch-nemesis of Gravity Man!

Gravity Man! There you go again about Gravity Man! This is the story and you’re going to cover it! And you’re going to make sure you cover it in a way that makes it sound like a good idea! Now I’m going to get out of my office!

Larry storms out.

Peerless Paladin, sometimes I wonder if you believe in the narrative at all.

Peerless begins to faint but catches himself on the desk.

You look like a house fell on you.

You have no idea how close you are to the truth, Margo.

Here, take a pep pill, I picked some more up from the druggist on my way in.

Margo pops a pill into Peerless’ mouth and he bounds to attention. Larry sheepishly enters the office.

       LARRY (stammering)
I…I…meant to say that you, uh, you two should get out of my office…not me…so, uh, get…uh…go cover the…uh…

Yes Chief.


Governor Graft stands behind a lectern at the top of the mansion steps. Behind him Dr. Lobo tinkers with a giant old style computer with bleeping and blooping lights. In the far back is a line of armed security guards. At the base of the stairs a throng of reporters; first and foremost Peerless and Margo. As orbit Boy orbits, Margo ducks without thinking, the other nearby reporters keep getting hit, random sounds of pain emanate from reporters and Orbit Boy.

…so, in conclusion, as we are the party of science, this new Public Works program will be entirely run by the new computizing mechanical mind created by Dr. Lobo, to make sure it is run as scientifically as possible.

The reporters all cheer and clap. Governor Graft looks back at Lobo and the computer in fear, as though he is a hostage.

This…this means that…instead of basing job appointments on…political favoritism, they will be…judged on…merit.

Governor Graft begins crying. The thong of reporters gasp in astonishment.

But Governor, how can THAT be scientific!? How can giving people jobs based on merit be anything other than..than anti-scientific!? What about the poor Negroes, they’re too dumb to be good at anything. We need to help lift them from the squalor of their racial incompetence! Not to say anything about those lazy Hispanics! How will they survive if we don’t help them!?

I know that is the good progressive thing to do…but the science says…otherwise.

Governor Graft openly weeps. The crowd of reporters scream and yell, rotten fruit is thrown at Governor Graft.

Governor Graft, Margo is right. If we don’t separate people into groups based on who their parents are, then how can we decide who to help? Why, by not uplifting those people you’re as bad as those governors in the south who let vigilante squads round up Negroes by the tens of thousands each day and lynch them! You see, a man shouldn’t be judged by the color of his skin or the church he belongs to, unless that judgment is paternalistic and treating them as inferior. These poor coloreds just don’t know any better than to be lazy and commit crime. That’s why we, the people, which is what government is supposed to be, need to take care of them, treat them like children. It’s the progressive thing to do, Governor.

The throng of reporters cheers.

I wholeheartedly agree Mr. Paladin! It’s high time I stood up for these dreadful incompetent souls! This fiend, DR. Lobo, has black mailed me into this sick miscarriage of justice! I won’t let him hold my romances with young boys over my head any longer! It’s a beautiful and natural thing! I’m loud and I’m proud and I’m a Groomer! Guards, seize him!

The crowd of reporters cheers and rushes the steps to attack Dr. Lobo. The guards close in. In the mayhem Peerless slips away, to land at the top of the stairs while creating a large crater as Gravity Man.

Stop, noble reporters! I, Gravity Man, am here to protect not only our fragile democracy from the evil Dr. Lobo and the deadly insurrection coup he has attempted here today, but also to protect you from becoming as violent as the noble jews, blacks, hispanics and indians we are all so eager to protect. If we become no better than them, then who will be left to protect them from their own vile violent nature? This is the true science Dr. Lobo was attempting to hide from you.

The whole time Gravity Man was speaking, Orbit Boy’s limp unconscious body was continually smashed against Dr Lobo, who is now almost as battered and bruised as poor Orbit Boy. The crowd of reporters cheers at the end of Gravity Man’s speech. He then picks up Dr. Lobo’s limp body and clods off screen.


Gee gang, that sure was a swell one! The next time you hear a hate monger say that any Black or Hispanic should be treated just the same as any of us white folks, make sure to let ’em know how racist they are. You see, these feeble races need our help, and to think otherwise is just so gosh-darn un-American that people who talk like that are just no better than Hitler. See you all next time boys and girls, and don’t forget to send any pep pills you steal from your parents to Gravity Man, 110 Cereal Company St., Cereal City, Michigan, 51111. Tune in next week for an ALL NEW ADVENTURE!