Tick tock

Things are falling apart on the red side of Manchester. Things are turning into a circus in Ann Arbor. And the Craig Counsell move has fans in Milwaukee saying WTF. And that’s it for sports, so on to…the links!

Oh, the humanity! But seriously, I hope the movie they’re referring to is Armageddon. That was awesome.

What the world needs

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Please be fake. Please be fake.

Of course no names were named. That’s simply not how things are done here.  What a joke.

It’s about freaking time. Now start officially connecting the dots, you lazy bastards.

The venue is just ::chef’s kiss:: perfect. We need mutually agreed combat to be legalized everywhere.

More! More! More!

This is absolutely fantastic. The world needs more of this. (No snark.)

I’m shocked! SHOCKED! Shocked that it was ever that high to begin with. That place is a mismanaged train wreck.

They probably figured it wasn’t worth their time. The elections there are so sketchy the winners were likely predetermined anyway.

Disco ain’t dead, baby. Not as long as that masterpiece is around. But rock and roll is still king. What a pair of great songs. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.