Since I have kids, I see this guy way too often.  So sorry, not sorry.

This is my review of Wayfinder Shamanic Whip English Pale Ale:

YouTuber followed mostly by children, Mr. Beast was in the news this week.  I first want to clarify that statement:  I don’t necessarily mean his viewers are children in adult bodies, I mean literal children. Mr. Beast is famous for being one of the first YouTubers to figure out how to maximize the YouTube algorithm for views.  Why do you see a bunch of exclamation points and clickbait titles?

He figured it out as a teenager, and now he has more money than he knows what to do with.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.  This propensity to give the algorithm what it wants to distribute that lead to theories this is the reason his sidekick, Chris, now has perky little jumblies and goes by Kris.

Anyways, his problem is a shitload of money and an inability to spend it on hookers and blow so he spends it like maybe a few of you might:  colonizing Africa.

Saran Kaba Jones, founder and CEO of FACE Africa, an organization working to improve water infrastructure and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa, told CNN: “I’ve been doing this for 15 years, but we’ve been struggling to continue the work because funding, awareness, and advocacy all take work.”

And then, she added, “overnight, this person comes along, who happens to be a white male figure with a huge platform, and all of a sudden, he gets all of the attention. It’s kind of frustrating, but it’s also understanding the nature of how the world is.”

Yes, a guy on YouTube spent his money going on a charity tour of African villages with heavy equipment and dug wells for said villages.  Kenyan government officials, whiny NGOs and reasonable people like Taylor Lorenz are now pissed he showed them up.  Here’s a link to the video, because that at least deserves a click.  He did something similar last year by sponsoring cataract surgeries in the same countries.

He may be an annoying virtue signaling presence in my house that gives me little to no benefit.  He might put out stupid clickbait videos designed to suit the average Gen Z attention span.  He may even market snacks at waist level supermarket selves in perfect view of a 40” tall child.  At least those snacks don’t contain seed oils, and actually don’t have a ton of sugar…wait…

…Maybe I got this clown all wrong?


What better to celebrate privatized colonization than with the definitive beverage for the poster child for colonizing the world?  Okay that was technically tea, but the English like their pale ales.  This one isn’t bad.  It really isn’t, dare I say its pretty solid but its exactly what is says it is and nothing more.  Chances are there is a huge market for traditional beer made locally without the nagging thought your vices are sponsoring European social programs.

Nope, here you are sponsoring the ones in Portland.  Whatever, all hail the algorithm! Wayfinder Shamanic Whip English Pale Ale: 3.0/5  5.6% ABV