One of the more entertaining I came across this weekend aside from my oldest taking an interest in, and binge watching Forged in Fire for the past three days, is this AI.  You give it a set up, and it responds back with three possible punchlines.

Some of these are actually pretty vicious and dare I say, funny.  This is one of the few family friendly responses.



This is probably going to be the last time I link this site.  Its not just the obvious lie here.  Its the fluff piece on Mexico’s dark-horse candidate for presidenté that happens to be the son of no-shit communists that sealed the deal for me.

This shouldn’t surprise you.  My uncle once said he doesn’t like going to Mexico, on account of there being too many Mexicans. I don’t know if he was joking.

Apparently, Mexicans are not down with this whole gender fluidity….thing.

A few days after the US deports the son of the former Guatemalan president (yes he’s conservative by their standards) the guy elected to “save democracy” in Guatemala is inaugurated.

Lula’s policy to ensure poverty in the Amazon basin is seeing quantifiable results!

I came across a cover of this, so I had to look for the original.  Enjoy your Tuesday!