Good morning one and all to another amazing day and to the morning links!


Pentagon’s Special Ops Office Holds Book Talk On ‘Far-Right’ Domestic Terrorism


DOJ Investigating Far-Left “Squad” Rep. Cori Bush for Allegedly Misusing Government Funds


Complaint Alleges Harvard’s Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized Her Husband’s Work


SCOTUS Interrupts Break for Trump Ballot Case


Treasury Sec Yellen: High Prices Are Here to Stay


Montana Child Trafficking Story Exposes GOP Weakness In Protecting American Children


Georgia Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade Settles Divorce Case with Wife, Won’t be Questioned About Affair with Willis


Federal Court Finds Peaceful Pro-Life Protesters Guilty of Violating Face Act, Now Face Up To 11 Years in Prison


House Republicans review agreement they say will remove four hydroelectric dams, Dems deny plans


John Fetterman’s Wife Quietly Goes Dark On Social Media Accounts Amid Progressive Backlash


That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.