In order to save their season, the Detroit Red Wings decided the only way forward was to release the Russian Five from suspended animation.

My wife has been ranting and raving about the latest season of True Detective.  So I decided to finally watch it.

I have not seen any of the other seasons, but its fine. Lot of layers, the plot is a bit odd at times.  Its just…I really can’t stand Jodie Foster.  I don’t understand why people think she’s an actress.  Typically, actors with this utter lack of talent get typecast and fit into bit roles, and make a decent enough living.  Its the same elementary school principal scowl, the same dry, measured, forced baritone delivery she has in every role she’s in.  Yes I am including Taxi Driver, and I am especially including Silence of the Lambs.

Now Anthony Hopkins is a freaking chameleon.



Mexico beat the US at soccer (again)!  This is news because it was the women’s team that did it, so hardcore soccer fans care but everyone else…meh.

This might be fun. Both Brandon and the Orange Man will visit the border on Thursday.  Obviously not at the same border station, lest there be a UFC style face-off in front of the media.

Holy shit, CNN.  Nobody gives a rats ass about this except for you.


Both El Presidenté Dudebro and Milei (¡AFUERA!) spoke at CPAC over the weekend, but El Presidenté said something concerning enough for the Crown News to notice.

In financial news, the largest investment bank in Latin America launched a stablecoin pegged to $1USD to allow for a reliable interaction between decentralized banking and the global financial system.

Chile reopens an investigation into the death of a Nobel Prize winning poet with ties to Salvador Allende (that’s the socialist Pinochet overthrew).  Apparently, the rumor is its wasn’t “just” cancer that killed him.

Bolsonaro in the midst of allegations over an attempted coup, requests a protest of Lula over his crusade against Zionism.  They showed up. Holy shit did they show up.


Here’s a tune. Have a great Tuesday!