I have a contractor with a dozen states to audit today, a company I am more invested than I should be has an earnings call, and since my kids are on spring break I’m going to try to get my son to the gym early. Let’s just get to it.


¡La Dia de Mujeres Internaccional! Strikes Mexico City.  Feminists there aren’t any better looking.  Speaking of feminists, I thought decades old allegations were fair game?

Both Mexican Presidential candidates promise the Catholic Church their commitment to peace. Feel good story.

The triumphant of the helicopter joke!  Since this one happened in Texas, we can be sure Murdock had nothing to do with it.

In a move surprising nobody, New York City implements restrictions on migrant buses…so they dropped them off in New Jersey.  Gee hasn’t New Jersey banked off their proximity to New York since…forever?

Milei apologizes for talking about communism—its dangerous you know.  In other news he took a page from El Presidente Dudebro’s playbook.

Haiti’s Prime Minister resi—wait, this entire time they had a government in place?  Anyways, they’re doing the Fall of Saigon thing again, so it will be interesting to see what happens when they send in the Marines, again.


For whatever reason, people forget about Queensryche.  I’m not going to.