Lily with her favorite terriers.

This week starts off well — The Moon is waxing and that matched Venus-Mars pairing that started yesterday continues through Tuesday.  And then on that day, we get a Mercury-Jupiter alignment bring additional good luck through Wednesday.  After that, things fall apart, but at least nothing bad is indicated, so Yay!

Aries gets a boost with Mercury joining, and while Pisces loses out because of that you’ll get that more than made up for on Wednesday when you get to keep Venus.

Gertie has trouble deciding who to play with

Pisces: Ace of Cups – Spilling one’s beverage.

Aries: 9 of Swords – Utter desolation.

Taurus: The Empress – Fruitfulness, action, initiative, the unknown, clandestine, difficulty, doubt, ignorance. 

Gemini: 8 of Cups reversed – Great joy, happiness, feasting.

Cancer: 2 of Swords – Peace, or at least stalemate, through strength.

Leo: Knight of Swords reversed – Speed kills.

Virgo: Queen of Swords reversed – An ordinarily reliable support rejects you.

Libra: Ace of Swords – It wasn’t pretty, but it worked.

Scorpio: The Magician reversed – There is a line between creativity and stupidity, and you’re on the wrong side of it.

Sagittarius: Strength reversed – Strength, but not for you — for people that don’t like you.

Capricorn: Wheel of Fortune reversed – “Good luck” but of the kind that doesn’t actually do anything for you.

Aquarius: Knight of Wands reversed – Do not expect favors from people this week.