Greetings from America’s Wang, where Spring Break has started bringing in foreign bodies like genital warts. Oh, and totally unrelated, I believe Sloopy, Banjos and family are heading this way, too. But they’re not Yankees or Canucks, even if Sloopy was looking for a Skyline “Chili” in the area they’ll be staying, and found one. He’s a tOSU fan, so I already knew he had poor taste. Kids are off from school, so this week is going to be interesting. Maybe I’ll find a Goldeneye clone somewhere and teach them how we killed a week back in the day. I also learned that my not quite two year old has a takeoff that can rival Xavier Worthy, but his top end is limited by his short legs, luckily. I forgot how quick they can change directions on those tiny legs.

There was more testosterone in this women’s basketball game than the average men’s soccer game.

Baker Mayfield won the lottery. $100M? Fuck. I mean, good for him. I believe he has as many playoff wins as Lamar Jackson, so I guess its not completely unfounded.

I think some people huffed more leaded gas fumes than others.

Also, I guess the movie industry had a circle jerk last night.

Apparently this album is 35 years old now. Holy shit.