Midterms yesterday before sending the kids off to their break. This means I get to spend the weekend grading, recording, and reporting. My freshmen loved my exam for their course, thought it was a snap. My seniors… not so much. “On a difficulty level of one to ten, that exam was a 20. But you made up for it by having it be twice as long as it should have been.” Since the course involved statistical methods, I even put the infamous Monty Hall question on there- not one of them even tried it. I’m going to have to rethink my teaching approach during the break. They’re not dumb kids but I fear that they have been broken by the Covid panic and never got the basics before coming to the university.

Birthdays today include the ultimate Texan; the unexpected composer of the Israeli national anthem; a guy who put words in Zero Mostel’s mouth; a guy who composed the true theme to Jaws; a baseball player with a fabulous unibrow and a quirky intellect; a guy who got screwed by HUAC worse than Oppenheimer did; an outspoken liberal who wanted to kill Japs and cage up their American descendants; a guy torn between Bob and Lou; a guy whose jaw made him famous; the spiritual father of all of us here; a guy who wrote my favorite American novel; old Splotch himself; a guy who amazingly lives to this day; the Irish Roy Buchanan; a skinny chick who was an underrated drummer; another skinny chick who was damn funny; and a co-author of one of the worst pieces of unconstitutional legislation of my lifetime.

Let’s look at the “news” today:


I was told that Gaza was an open air prison before Hamas started a war. Apparently it was a paradise. Propagandists have trouble with consistency.


He’s right about O’Connor, but this line cracked me up: “We cannot allow the distinguished members of this body to have to suffer walking by such an undistinguished jurist when they enter here in the morning.”


Commie Pope accidently says something true; cancelation coming.


This was useful for culling the herd. Too bad they couldn’t see that.


If you’re going to have a moral panic, nothing is too stupid.


COVID restrictions saved lives, right?


20 days on a weenie rap.


The Old Man remembers when Fleetwood Mac was actually interesting. And in those days, they were cranking out amazing songs like Black Magic Woman and… oh well, this. And surprisingly, Tom Petty does a damn fine cover.