The year was 2016.  I received a memo from VA Central Office they were conducting an audit of all VA employees to ensure they took the training and digitally signed the attestation form.  I needed to collect training records and submit them to the VISN office.  What was the training for? The Hatch Act.

This is my review of Heretic Shallow Grave:

Did you think it would be something important?  Please.

The VA made a big deal of it due to an Obama Era reform of the Hatch Act enacted in 2012.  The law had more or less remained unchanged since it was signed in the 1930’s, these changes meant everyone had to be made aware prior to the 2016 election.  Julian Castro apparently didn’t take the training.

This week the legal scholars on TwiX got their panties in a twist over this guy in Texas standing behind Trump during his visit to Eagle Pass, TX.  “Hatch Act” was trending as a result with many calling for this Maj. General to be stripped of rank and punished to the full extent of the law…which is too bad because he’s in a legal gray area.  Although this is certainly bad form to show up in a uniform to what is only going to be viewed as a political circus (thanks a lot John Kerry), it turns out he works for the Texas Military Department, so he’s not technically a Federal employee.  So unless Texas has their own version of the act, he’s theoretically not wrong.

The real trouble is even if he violated the Hatch Act they would have to prosecute damn near every federal employee in order to have any legitimacy at all.  It really does occur frequently, and few see any real repercussions for violating the act. Unless they actually intend on throwing the book at everyone, and I genuinely want them to open that Pandora’s Box, this is nothing more than a hapless attempt to poison the well for anything related to the Orange Man.


Heretics are always treated worse than infidels.  This one is indeed heresy.  Porters are supposed to be dark but fairly light.  They’ve turned the style into some sort of unterstout, they wish to call a “robust porter”.  Just call it a stout already, and there will be no complaints. None whatsoever because as it turns out people actually do like stouts.  As a stout, this is in fact a perfectly cromulent 3.9/5  but since they wish me to rate it as a porter, they got it wrong. Heretic Shallow Grave:  3.5/5