My childhood growing up in Arizona often meant a lot of summer afternoons when it was probably too warm outside to play.  Board games were a convenient indoor activity.  For related reasons, we don’t play Monopoly anymore.

This is my review of New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk:

Since Monopoly turned into a combat sport, we play Scrabble quite a bit. So it should come as no surprise this news mad me sad (TW:  CNN):

“Scrabble has truly stood the test of time as one of the most popular board games in history, and we want to ensure the game continues to be inclusive for all players,” he said. “For anyone who’s ever thought, ‘word games aren’t for me’, or felt a little intimidated by the Classic game, Scrabble Together Mode is an ideal option.”

Mattel said it conducted research among British board-gamers that shows that competitiveness is perceived as declining in younger generations. Of the 2,000 people surveyed, 35% believed baby boomers are the most competitive, followed by millennials on 31% and Gen-Z on 29%.

In case you still don’t understand what is a Midwit

While I will concede Scrabble can be an intimidating game if English is not your primary language, sucking at it is largely a Midwit problem.  One one hand, I have to question how much of this is a British decline thing rather than a blanket Gen Z thing.  On the other hand, I also found this response to criticism of “Woke Scrabble”:

All this negativity could have been avoided if Mattel had put a little thought into how it described its new game. Did the company really need to tell the world that Gen-Z needs its games to be less intimidating? And is that even true? Mattel’s survey only measured perceptions about different generations, not reality. I’m not Gen-Z, but some of my family members are, and they’re among the most competitive and least easily intimidated people I know.

Nope, its definitely a Gen Z thing.

I wanted to save this for a gaming related story, so this was sitting on my picture files for quite some time.  Finally! I can get rid of it.  Ales, tonics, elixirs throughout antiquity were often referred to as “Dragons Milk”—I know that because New Holland says so.  Would they lie?  Depends if they need help with 3 letter words.  In which case zax is in fact a playable word.  Heavy coffee, chocolate, complimented by vanilla and oak made for heavy drinking back in December. Do they mention who’s barrels they use? Not that I am aware.  New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk:  4.1/5