An actual photo of OMWC, WebDom and myself.

We’ve got a catering gig at the shop tonight. A bunch of people young enough that all will be carded on their way in the door. WebDom holding forth as the matriarch of the facility, OM and I will be wandering around with a disapproving eye.




They’ve got him now!


Can we just get on with it already. You know it’s coming. We know it’s coming. The breathless headlines have gotten obnoxious.


If only there had been a good guy with a gun, as opposed to the cop that put him down after the deed was done.


I feel I may have missed my calling.


Quagmire. Achieved.


It would be awesome if the rest followed suit, but they won’t. And Google will eventually cave.


Okay, off to do some prep work and load the cooler with beer. Y’all have a great evening!

It’s not Thanksgiving, but this seems appropriate.