My oldest is apparently not allowed at school today.  Only juniors are allowed on campus for ACT testing.  This new development is triggering my get off my lawn response.  I had to go in on a Saturday morning to another high school across town to take the SAT.  These damn kids get to take it at their own school, during the school day—and the part of the student population that already knows they are not college bound doesn’t need to show up?

GET OFF MY LA—wait I can make him pull a few weeds.  We got a lot of rain this spring.



This must be the most Mexico headline this year…

…or perhaps this is the most Mexico headline this year.

¿Quien es ello?

Great. Another Mexican boxing champion who’s cardboard cutout will lurk over me in every gas station — wait, he’s a cruiserweight. Never mind.

You probably already saw the Guyanan president smack down some BBC reporter, but in case you haven’t.

This is mostly a pathetic attempt at a hit piece on Milei, but WSJ is an equal opportunity stone thrower.

Havana syndrome:  I’d be more receptive to the idea if it wasn’t coming from unrepentant liars.


Off to give the boy some chores.  Have a great Tuesday.