Taxation is theft. It’s not just theft of money, it’s theft of time, energy, and emotionally draining. When I’m dictator-for-a-day, I’ll be hard-pressed to decide which to level to the ground first, the IRS, DHS, BATFE (though I could be persuaded to repurpose that one to promote ATFE), or the DEA (ditto). Anyway, I spent a good chunk of yesterday and will be all day today sorting through papers, PDF forms, and god knows what else to comply with an insanely complex, ambiguous, and thoroughly evil regime. At the end, I’ll likely still be beset by Mafia-like goons, but in their way, worse than the Mafia. Tomb Raider assures me that “taxes are the price we pay for living in a civilized society.” If this is “civilized,” I’m a Catholic.

Birthdays today include a guy who gave a light wave; a woman with something of a magic touch; a guy who just kept telling us about the same old shit; a politician with a bit of the old voodoo charm; the guy who ruined baseball; one of the few girls WC Fields adored; along with Edith Massey, one of my favorite cult stars; the single strongest influence in my science career; queen of the old school country sound; a guy I used as a filter to see if someone was stupid enough to ignore; the patron saint of the NYPD union; star of the exception to my “I hate movies that end with a number” rule; I bet you didn’t know it was this guy’s birthday; a tragically underrated rock guitar wizard; and another inventor of the great game CharDee MacDennis. 

Let’s move on to Links.


Remember when a nuclear world war was about to start?


Team Blue, of course, is true to form. Nonetheless, why the fuck was the US involved in this?


And of course, every idiot Leftist is also true to form.


So is every Team Red idiot.


Of course, the media were blaring about “settler violence.”


Speaking of idiot Leftists, here’s local news.


“Where are we?” “I dunno, let me look at the sign.” “Goslow.”


I mean, c’mon, it’s not that hard.


I really like these guys, just sweet and charming. Ravens have a particular significance to me, I’ll leave it at that.