Well, Hot Dog Day was a resounding success, at least if you were a vendor of red plastic cups, aluminum cans, yellow police tape and New-York-State-approved cardboard junk food containers. I could hear music going and kids reveling at 3am, which is impressive to me. Looking around this morning, debris and puke seem to be our themes. There’s also discarded bras and panties. The kids really did have a good time and the frats will spend today cleaning the streets.

And we’ll spend the day celebrating birthdays including a guy who wanted to save art (or something); the Father of the FBI; another father who cursed us; a guy who was a true commoner; the guy who created my favorite British TV show; a pretty nice girl who didn’t have a lot to say; a guy who proved that Left and Right are pretty much the same thing, authoritarian Puritans; a better Stooge than Shemp; a politician whose career was accidentally ended; and the best football announcer until the network gagged him for being a spoiler.

And now let’s get spoiled by Links.


My students are proof that this isn’t true.


The State Department is totally not stuffed with Jew-haters. Or Ol’ Joe is worried about Michigan.




More piles of our money set on fire.


I’ll be shocked if it’s that many.


The effective way to throw a tantrum is to alienate people who already were on your side.


Semi Birds aren’t semi real.


My favorite Grieg piece arranged… unusually.