WEST VIRGINIA BIGFOOT FESTIVAL 2024: June 27-29 in Sutton, WV. One of the sponsoring groups is the scary, yet alluring, Jeep Babes WV. Activities include an offroad Bigfoot cruise and hunt, as well as a festival with food trucks, storytellers, and souvenirs. I can neither confirm nor deny whether STEVE SMITH will be a guest speaker.

KATHERINE MAHER’S COLOR REVOLUTION: City Journal does a dive into the background of the embattled NPR kommisar.

FAA TO REQUIRE LANDING LICENSES FOR SPACE VEHICLES: “The Federal Aviation Administration is revising its licensing regulations to prevent a repeat of a situation last year where a spacecraft launched without approvals to return.” Quelle horreur! Not content to just interfere with the front end of the process, the FAA is determined to stick its finger into the back-end. Of course the regulatory agency sees things differently, trumpeting how they are “meeting the demand” for such meddling. (Missing – proof that anyone actually involved wanted this.)

THE MAN WHO KILLED GOOGLE: Blogger Ed Zitron explains it all to you. There are some eye-rolling assertions, but overall a useful read.

YOUR ‘NAD TAP ARTICLE OF THE DAY: Biden wants higher capital gains taxes. The war on prosperity continues apace.

YOUR NOBODY-TO-LIKE-HERE ARTICLE OF THE DAY: Some states are reconsidering laws mandating reporting of child abuse and neglect “saying the result has been too many unfounded reports, and that they disproportionately harm families that are poor, Black, or Indigenous, or have members with disabilities.” Also, “[m]ore than 1 in 3 children in the United States will be the subject of a child abuse and neglect investigation by the time they turn 18.”