"This doesn't belong in a museum!", bellows Harrison Ford's iconic character as he heaves Botticelli's The...
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Chuck E. Cheese Re-brands as Charter School
MILWAUKEE - "Parents will surely rejoice now that they have a safe, affordable in-person learning option for...
Experts warn that covid can live on clothes, but not masks
ATLANTA - The Centers for Disease and Racism Dissemination have published results of a study that should...
Study Finds that Black Keys Less Likely to be Played than White Keys
PITTSBURGH – Although black keys account for over a third of the keys on pianos, they are played less often...
Jason Vorhees Will Exchange Hockey Mask for MAGA Hat in New Film
LOS ANGELES - "Run, Stacey! He's not wearing a mask and he's a Trump supporter!" shrieks a terrified actress...
Biden Signs Executive Order to Restore Democracy
WASHINGTON - "With this order, I hereby restore power to the people so that no President may ever rule by...
Civil War II: Fascist Boogaloo – The 2021 update
Boys and (mythical) girls, circle around and let's have a quick chat! The Civil War 2 series has always been...
Black Physicists Discover Smallest Particle of Black Lives Matter
OAKLAND - "We are now one step closer to completing Grand Funk Unified Theory, also known as The Notorious...
Chik-Fil-A Hopes to Boost Sales With New “Hail Satan” Slogan
ATLANTA – The fast food giant is retiring its trademark “my pleasure” slogan in a bold gambit to attract new...
Nation’s College Deans Move Back With Their Parents
HARVARD - "I never thought it would happen to me" said Joanna Gambolputty, Dean of Gender Studies at Harvard...