It would appear I was called out last week:

All fair criticism.  I was saving that one since March, when the weather doesn’t make me wish to grab a case of White Claws.  So Lackadaisical, Chafed…this is for you.

This is my review of the Original Budweiser:

Curiously, being called out is something of a theme for me this week.  After months of shitposting on Twitter, attempting to earn a slap on the wrist it finally happened. I got blocked for violating their abuse and harassment policy.  Apparently, I just wasn’t a tall enough poppy before this.

My first attempt was making fun of Bradley Chelsea Manning that resulted in Manning’s social media handlers blocking me.  Later, I was unblocked but probably muted because I only asked how if Manning fell for the old trick where they send a dumbass Private to supply for a can of elbow grease and bottle of headlight fluid.  Clearly they didn’t get the joke, but knew it was a joke.

Then a little over two weeks ago when LaVar Burton declared Kunta Kinte was in the White House. I replied back “I think you mean Toby?”  This received no reaction at all.

What finally did it was when I responded to Michael Malice’s tweet about Manatees.

Calling LaVar Burton by his slave name is okay, but manatees are a bridge too far.  This is why Musk needs to finish the buyout, and kill Twitter with fire.


What is there left to say about Budweiser, the great American lager? The classic rice pilsner taste followed by the inevitable sting of carbonic acid since it immediately went flat after pouring that head lasting just long enough to get a decent picture.  Its the official beer of chain gangs collecting cans on the highway.  The official beer of indifference to endangered species too stupid to get out of the way of a goddamn fan boat.  Its not like they’re being hunted for food…anymore.  The official beer of “oh shit I forgot I bought those last time I went noodling!”  Not the official beer of America, but fuckin’ Murica! The can says it all—let freedom ring.  For that, they get extra points.  The Original Budweiser:  2.0/5