They come into that town, oh how they party down, and nobody does links. Lets see what accumulated overnight in the links bucket.

Oglala Sioux Tribe Rescinds Ordinance Suspending Churches and Missions. But apparently non-native religious groups will still have to register. Looks like someone has forgotten that 1A applies on the reservation.

Put it away, girls – and spare us this parade of ‘toxic femininity’ at the gym.

Is the quest for a Love Island body behind a boom in men injecting testosterone despite the risk of infertility and fatal blood clots?

New Spanish food law aims to tackle food waste.

Remember that “the camels are on the horizon” thing? Well, it’s getting some well-deserved pushback. (Sorry, long-form video)

Some type of sportsball kerfuffle: Jaelene Daniels refuses gay pride jersey, sits out NWSL game.

That’s just crazy talk: Central bankers have been incompetent for decades and inflation is our ‘big hangover.’

DeSantis: “Gender Affirming Care” Is A Euphemism For Castration And Sterilization.