I came across this AI art project that I thought was sort of funny.  Its an AI depiction of every US President made in the style of a Pixar character.

Some of these are pretty good.  I like that Obama and Wilson effectively have the same smug asshole facial features.  Gerald Ford looks ready to eat your face off.  I also appreciate swole Reagan and Jefferson’s look of utter distain as portrayed by Willem Dafoe.  But W looks deliberately cartoonish, and quite frankly FDR isn’t nearly frail enough.  Finally, I think the computer could have accentuated Biden’s old man skullet a bit more.  Overall though its not bad.



I know everyone here was worried about the protests closing Machu Picchu.  The nightmare is over.

He clearly drives like a Mexican.  If you have no idea what that means, good.

I was specifically told Mexicans were a bunch of Marxists, and were incapable of assimilating with American culture.

Now that the snowbirds left, I can now look at golf as a waste of a decent long distance shooting range.

Fun fact about Argentina.

Yes, the plan is to strip mine developing economies with governments willing to enrich themselves extorting the poorest people possible, so a wine mom can feel better about herself.

That’s gotta be lot of rain.  If they’re cancelling carnival, it has to be one hell of a downpour.

He came up in my feed.  Why not?  Have a great Tuesday!