He’s right, you know.

The Yankees suck. Which is fine with me.  Messi and company are proving that MLS (and yes, I know these are “cup” games) is not up to Euro standards. This shit gets weirder every day. College football keeps inching closer. And that’s it for sports.

Welcome to the party, pal. Or should I just say “no comment?”

This sounds like a scam. $70k per home is absurd. No way would it cost this unless the government was involved.

The nose knows.

Now do trannies. Oh wait…that’s different.  Also, it’s called acting. And sometimes that requires makeup.

Ok then. I’m not gonna kink shame. No wait, I am.  These people are weird as fuck.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Also, how long does it take to get these results normally? I bet it’s not almost two years.

This is a solution in search of a problem. Also, “social media influencer” shouldn’t be a thing.

“Strike me down with all of your hatred!”

Do they not see the irony here? “She’s old and infirm and incapable of managing her personal and financial affairs. But she’s definitely capable of handling her professional duties at the same time.”  Yeah, sure thing.

Gotta protect the scam. The legislature did screw up though. Passing a law that only impacts one municipality was probably the wrong way to handle it. Instead, they should have sent prosecutors to Harris County and started charging all the fraudsters involved that have completely ignored Texas election laws for years now.

Getting back to my roots. Especially since nobody got excited about the Monday music. And here’s another fantastic track. I could have picked at least a half dozen of their songs and made that statement. Anyway, enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely, hot Wednesday, dear friends.